• We put our customers and quality in the first place, we provide customers.We put our customers and quality in the first place, we provide customers.


    Isu tinoisa vatengi vedu uye mhando munzvimbo yekutanga, tinopa vatengi.
  • We are a professional manufacturer. Have 10 years of sales and technical experienceWe are a professional manufacturer. Have 10 years of sales and technical experience


    Isu tiri nyanzvi yekugadzira.Iva nemakore gumi ekutengesa uye ruzivo rwehunyanzvi
  • We have established agents around the world partner system.We have established agents around the world partner system.


    Isu takagadzira maajenti kutenderera pasirese shamwari system.
  • We established an excellent team, who are skilled and experienced in machine.We established an excellent team, who are skilled and experienced in machine.


    Isu takagadzira timu yakanakisa, vane hunyanzvi uye vane ruzivo mumashini.


  • Hydraulic butt
  • Automatic pipe

Lechuang welding equipment company ndeimwe yevagadziri vekutanga nyanzvi muChina vanodzidza, kugadzira nekugadzira midziyo yekubatanidza pombi dzethermoplastic. Mushure memakore anopfuura gumi ebudiriro, zvigadzirwa zvakagadziridzwa nekambani yedu pari zvino zvinosanganisira huwandu hwakazara hwebutt-fusion welding. michina, butt-fusion welding muchina wepombi fittings, saddle-shaped welding machines uye epurasitiki pombi yekucheka mapombi e1600mm mapaipi uye pazasi, uye maturusi akasiyana-siyana anoshandiswa mukuvaka ayo ari emhando dzakasiyana siyana.